Glasgow Green Cycle Club

Glasgow Green Cycle Club News story

Wednesday 16th June - The Wednesday Weaver

16 Jun 2021

GGCC Club Run - Wednesday  16th June 2021 – 'The Wednesday Weaver'


Frankie Weaver Route from Kaldis - 30 miles


Standard Frankie Weaver route out to Slamannan and back


Route Details.


Meet at 6.45pm at the Kaldis at the end of Edinburgh Road.

Please try to be there sharp to allow us to split into paced groups.

We will go through some basic safety tips and group riding etiquette before we set off so that everyone stays safe and knows exactly what happens on the ride.

If you have been given a first aid pack or have your own, can you bring this with you on club runs?

Please can group leaders help with the ride as much as possible.


Weather is to be dry but overcast with 10% chance of a shower, 16 degrees, 9 mph south westerly wind gusting to 16 mph




We will split into STEADY, CHALLENGE, CHEEKY CHALLENGE and RACE PACE and we will aim to minimize the stops.

Groups should contain no more than 8 riders

Steady is steady and usually sit between 14 – 16 mph average.

Challenge should push your ability and sits about 16 - 18 mph average.

Cheeky Challenge is slightly faster and is around 18 - 20 mph.

Race Pace should be regularly and consistently over 20+mph


**these are the averages you should expect over the course of the ride in the above groups and there will be sections ridden faster and some slower depending on road profile and conditions

**Please remember to communicate within your group. If you get split due to junctions, traffic, roundabouts then get back together. If you get split as someone is dropping off the pace then that rider steps down a group, (or steps up if going through to hard)

**If you need to ask the group to slow up, we would suggest you step down as you may be in the wrong group

Please pick your group carefully and remember that all groups work together to promote group riding but steady is the only group that rides at the pace of the slowest rider and the other groups don't wait for dropped riders unless agreed amongst the group and riders on the night

**Please remember tubes, pump, levers, multitool and also please ensure your bike is in good working order, oiled, lubed, maintained **




Can we stress again the below –

If you don’t feel safe, don’t attend. Don’t put yourself in a situation you are not comfortable with. I understand that some may be more cautious than others

1. Participants are required to carry a face covering at all times.

2. If you are in any way ill or have any symptoms at all….DO NOT attend a club ride

3. If you have been in a public situation that you feel there was or may have been a risk with regards to Covid-19, please do not attend and wait until the next club ride

4. Be respectful (as you always are), be thoughtful and mindful of your actions during your time with your fellow members.


From all the team @ GGCC